Taiwan Machine Tool & Accessory Builders' Association
財政部關稅總局公布2023年8月份海關進出口貿易統計初步值,經台灣工具機暨零組件工業同業公會整理:從工具機出口統計來看,2023年8月台灣工具機出口金額2.35億美元,相較今年7月份減少3%,較去年同(8)月份則減少9%。其中,金屬切削工具機2023年8月出口金額約1.97億美元,相較今年7月份出口減少2.5%;金屬成型工具機2023年8月出口金額近3,810萬美元,則較今年7月份減少5.4%。2023年1-8月工具機累計出口金額為17.49億美元,較2022年同期減少12.2%,其中金屬切削工具機產品出口金額近14.9億美元,較去年同期減少11.3%,金屬成型工具機產品出口金額近2.58億美元,較去年同期減少17.6%。2023年1-8月台灣工具機出口前十大國家依出口金額排序為中國(含香港)、美國、土耳其、印度、荷蘭、德國、義大利、越南、泰國、日本。相關數據請參考表1、表 2 及圖 1。就工具機進口統計來看,2023年8月台灣工具機進口金額為4,575萬美元,相較今年7月份減少9.9%,較去年同(8)月份則是減少34.2%。其中,金屬切削工具機2023年8月進口金額3,493萬美元,相較今年7月份進口減少26.3%;金屬成型工具機2023年8月進口金額1,082萬美元,則較今年7月份成長217.1%。2023年1-8月工具機累計進口金額4.25億美元,較2022年同期減少30.7%,其中金屬切削工具機產品累計進口金額3.5億美元,較去年同期減少35.3%,金屬成型工具機產品出口金額為7,504萬美元,較去年同期成長3.4%。2023年1-8月台灣工具機進口前十大國家依進口金額排序為日本、中國(含香港)、德國、瑞士、泰國、義大利、南韓、美國、法國及新加坡。相關數據請參考表3、表4 及圖2。中國海關總署於上週公佈進出口數值,數據顯示8月中國出口總額較去年同期下降8.8%,進口總額同比去年下降了7.3%。中國為全球第二大經濟體,整體經濟的走向備受關注。受地緣政治與嚴格的清零政策影響下,造成許多外國企業紛紛撤出中國,這對過去依賴龐大的貿易順差來維持經濟穩定和創造就業機會的中國造成了危機,因而出現了高失業率、房價以及消費者投資力道下滑等狀況,而這些新數據不僅反映了中國的需求,連同國際市場的供需也是同樣受到衝擊。
09. 27. 2023
The export of Taiwan machine tool accessory on February in 2023 was US$168 million, a 29.2% decrease compared to January 2023. The total export value of Taiwan machine tool accessory from January to February in 2023 was US$405 million, a 10.4% decrease compared to Q1 2022.   
03. 20. 2023
        臺灣為全球工具機第5大出口國,為維持產業聚落優勢,強化供應鏈韌性及因應全球減碳、綠色製造趨勢,協助工具機暨零組件業者強化競爭力邁向永續。        台灣工具機暨零組件工業同業公會(TMBA)於109年8月成立【技術委員會】,致力推動工具機產業通用標準,委員會成員包含東台精機、永進機械、程泰集團(亞崴機電)、台中精機、達佛羅及遠東機械(發得科技)等標竿企業。        自110年起與經濟部工業局攜手推動工具機產業數位升級轉型,期盼透過工具機設計規範及品質規範引用,提升零組件介面共通性設計,透過建置溯源管理機制,強化產品可靠度,達到能源永續目標並樹立工具機產業規範的核心價值。        本次活動由許文憲理事長就目前工具機產業最新發展動態做報告,另邀請技術委員會召集人永進機械陳伯佳總經理分享產業規範的推動現況與未來發展,同時安排奕達精機、台灣瀧澤、永進機械等3家會員廠商進行案例分享。並邀請國際半導體產業協會(SEMI) 全球行銷長暨台灣區總裁曹世綸先生分享半導體業推動產業標準的成功經驗並與國內工具機業者進行跨域交流。分享半導體業推動產業標準的成功經驗並與國內工具機業者進行跨域交流。 8/11現場直播觀看
08. 12. 2022
Export PerformanceAccording to the data provided by Taiwan Customs Administration, Ministry of Finance, the total export value of machine tool accessory, including Work Holders, Dividing Heads and Other Special Attachments for Machine Tools, Parts and Accessories for Metal Cutting Machine Tools, Parts and Accessories for Metal Forming Machine Tools, Ball Screws, and Ball or Roller Linear Side Guides, was US$2.138 billion in 2021, up 58.6% compared to 2020’s export value of US$1,405 million. In terms of quarterly export value, the total export value for the fourth quarter of 2021 was US$581 million, an increase of 3.4% compared to the third quarter of 2021. Please refer to Table 1 for detailed statistics.Major Export Markets for Machine Tool AccessoryIn terms of major exporting country of Taiwan machine tool accessory in 2021, China (including Hong Kong) is the largest market with a total export value of US$1.35 billion, up 49.9% from 2020; followed by Japan, with total exports of US$121 million, up 65.4% from 2020, followed by the United States, the Netherlands, Korea, India, Italy, Germany, Thailand, and Turkey. Please refer to Table 2 for detailed statistics.  Import PerformanceTotal import value of Taiwan machine tool accessory in 2021 was US$275 million, up 44.5% from 2020. In terms of quarterly imports, total imports in Q4 2021 was US$73.81 million, a 6% increase compared to Q3 2021. Please refer to Table 9 for detailed statistics. Major Import Markets for Machine Tool Accessory In terms of major import countries of Taiwan machine tool accessory, Japan is the most important import country, accounting for 35.2% of the total imports. Second is China (including Hong Kong) with imports of US$85.55 million, up 64.1% from 2020. Germany is in third place, with imports of nearly US$27.62 million, up 31.3% from 2020, followed by Italy, Switzerland, the United States, the United Kingdom, Korea, Romania and Vietnam. Please refer to Table 10 for detailed statistics.
04. 20. 2022
According to the data provided by Taiwan Customs Administration, Ministry of Finance, analyzed by Taiwan Machine Tool & Accessory Builders’ Association (TMBA), the cumulative import value of Taiwan machine tool in 2021 was US$971 million, representing a 42.6% increase from 2020. Among them, the import value of metal cutting machine tool was US$862 million in 2021, an increase of 47.3% compared to 2020. The import value of metal forming machine tool was nearly US$110 million, an increase of 14.1% compared to 2020. If compared to the previous month, the import value of machine tool in December 2021 declined 19% compared to November 2021, with the imports of metal cutting machine tool declined by 18.2% and the imports of metal forming machine tool decreased by 26%.Analyzed by the machine type, the first place in the import of metal cutting machine tool is electric, laser and ultrasonic tools, with an import value of nearly US$425 million, accounting for 43.8% of the total import value, and a significant increase of 51% compared with 2020. The second largest import is lathe, with US$148 million, accounting for 15.2% of total imports, and 78.2% growth compared to 2020. The main importing countries are Japan, China (including Hong Kong) and Thailand, please refer to Table 11 for detailed statistics. Major Import Markets for Machine ToolsAnalyzed by the importing country (region), the top ten countries (regions) for Taiwan's machine tool imports in 2021 are: Japan, China (including Hong Kong), Germany, Singapore, Switzerland, Thailand, Korea, Italy, the United States, and Israel, in order. Taiwan's imports of machine tool from Japan accounted for 52% of the total imports, amounting to US$505 million, up 54.7% compared to 2020. Japan and China (including Hong Kong) mainly imported electric discharge, laser, and ultrasonic tools, while Germany mainly imported planing, inserting, drawing, sawing, and gear cutting tools. For detailed statistics, please refer to Table 12. In the face of the normalization of the pandemic, due to several issues, such as material shortage, manpower shortage, port congestion, and soaring sea freight, , which used to be cost and efficiency oriented, the global supply chain structure has changed to a safe and stable regional supply chain, and the industry's long chain has become a short chain in response to the rapidly recovering market demand. This wave of supply chain shift and restructuring is driving the global economy and trade, and driving a new wave of demand for machine tools. Mizuho Bank of Japan predicts that the global machine tool market will grow by 17.5% in 2021 compared to 2020, and that capital outflows from industries in North America and Europe will continue to grow, resulting in a steady recovery of machine tool orders in the global market.Cumulative exports reached US$2.783 billion in 2021, up 29.1% from 2020.According to the data provided by Taiwan Customs Administration, Ministry of Finance, analyzed by Taiwan Machine Tool & Accessory Builders’ Association (TMBA), Taiwan machine tool exports reached total US$2.783 billion in 2021, a 29.1% increase from 2020. Among them, metal cutting machine tool exports grew 29.2% to US$2.304 billion, while metal forming machine tool exports grew 29% to US$0.479 billion. The machine tool export value in December 2021 declined by 7.8% compared with November 2021, with metal cutting machine tool exports declining by 11.5% and metal forming machine tool exports growing by 11.2%.In 2021, the major export type of metal cutting machine tool was Machining Centers, with an export value of US$941 million, up 34% from 2020; Lathes ranked second, with an export value of US$590 million, up 32.4% from 2020. As to the exports of metal forming machine tool, Forging and stamping machines was about US$378 million, an increase of 28.6% compared to 2020, please refer to Table 1 for detailed statistics. Major Export Markets for Machine ToolAnalyzed by export countries (regions), the top ten countries (regions) for Taiwan's machine tool exports in 2021 are: China (including Hong Kong), USA, Turkey, Russia, Vietnam, Thailand, India, the Netherlands, Italy, and Malaysia. Among them, Taiwan's exports to China (including Hong Kong) amounted to nearly US$911 million, an increase of 20.4% over 2020, accounting for 32.7% of the total exports; the U.S. market ranked second, with exports of nearly US$323 million, an increase of 18.3% over 2020, accounting for 11.6% of the total exports; Turkey ranked third, with exports of 241 million. Turkey ranked third, with exports of US$241 million, a significant increase of 46.2% compared to 2020, accounting for 8.7% of the total exports. For detailed statistics, please refer to Figures 1 to 2 and Table 2.  
04. 20. 2022
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