NH500A - High Production 2-Pallet Horizontal Machining Center
NH500A - High Production 2-Pallet Horizontal Machining Center
Quickly Expandable Chain Tool Magazine
Hongju Precision
Quickly Expandable Chain Tool Magazine
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Turret Milling heads IK-3SA
Turret Milling heads IK-3SA
Traveling Column, Highly Efficient Profile Grinder
Traveling Column, Highly Efficient Profile Grinder
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Vertical Turning Center
Multi-Tasking Multi-Turret T-7T2SMY
Multi-Tasking Multi-Turret T-7T2SMY
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High Pressure Coolant System
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Solid Frame Crank Servo Press (SD Series)
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IntroductionAngle milling heads are pivotal in enhancing the versatility and efficiency of machining operations, allowing machines to reach otherwise inaccessible angles with precision. At Yih Kuan, we offer a range of angle milling heads including 90° angular heads, 90° deep milling heads, and 45° universal milling heads, designed to fit various machining setups such as vertical/horizontal machining centers, gantry milling machines, boring mills, and milling machines. This article explores the distinct features and applications of each type to help you select the best milling head for your requirements.Understanding Different Angle Milling HeadsAngle milling heads are specialized tools that facilitate machining at various angles, which is critical when working on complex parts with intricate geometries. Here are the key differences between the angle heads we offer:90° Angular HeadFeatures: This head positions the tool at a precise 90-degree angle relative to the workpiece, making it ideal for side milling, drilling, and tapping operations that require orthogonal approaches.Applications: Perfect for jobs that demand precision in creating perpendicular features and external edges.90° Deep Milling HeadFeatures: Similar to the standard 90° angular head but designed for deeper cuts and extended reach within cavities or alongside protrusions.Applications: Used extensively in mold making and automotive industries where accessing deep pockets and performing complex side milling are necessary.45° Universal Milling HeadFeatures: Offers the flexibility to adjust the tool orientation to 45 degrees, providing an optimal angle for chamfering, beveling, and inclined surface machining.Applications: Ideal for aerospace and general engineering sectors where angled features and chamfers are frequently required.How to Choose the Right Angle Milling HeadSelecting the appropriate angle milling head depends on the specific machining tasks and the geometry of the parts being manufactured:Material and Geometry Considerations: Assess the types of materials you work with and the complexities of the part geometries. For standard side milling and drilling, a 90° angular head might suffice, while more complex parts with deep recesses may necessitate a 90° deep milling head.Machining Center Compatibility: Ensure the selected head is compatible with your existing machining center in terms of mounting, rotational speed, and torque capabilities.Production Requirements: For high-volume production with repetitive angled cuts or features, the 45° universal milling head offers the versatility needed for various operations without the need for frequent tool changes.ConclusionAngle milling heads significantly expand the capabilities of standard machining centers by allowing for precise angled cuts and operations. Whether you need a head for straightforward perpendicular operations, deep pocket machining, or versatile angled applications, Yih Kuan has the solution. Our range of 90° angular heads, 90° deep milling heads, and 45° universal milling heads are engineered to meet diverse manufacturing needs, enhancing both flexibility and precision in your machining processes. For more information on how our angle milling heads can benefit your operations, or to discuss your specific machining challenges, please contact Yih Kuan. We’re here to help you achieve optimal machining efficiency and quality.
YIH KUAN / 07. 26. 2024
以開拓高端市場為目標 推動臺灣第一座智慧化主軸檢測中心普森精密主軸工業為臺灣產品線最齊全的專業主軸廠。產品種類包含車床主軸、加工中心機主軸、磨床主軸以及伸臂式搪銑床主軸。普森精密主軸的產品行銷世界各國,範圍涵蓋中國大陸、美國、德國、日本、印度、印尼、巴西、土耳其、新加坡、馬來西亞等二十餘國。放眼全球,未來將會以日、韓及其他歐美國家為目標市場。針對各式高階精密級高速主軸來進行研究及開發,脫離在同質性高的產品上削價競爭的模式,朝向附加價值更高的產品及市場來開拓,並針對 「電動車/自駕車」與「半導體」等目標產業的需求,開發結合周邊系統的整合性新產品。 智慧化生產趨勢加速中傳統製造業生產模式正在經歷劇烈改變近年來,工業4.0的發展與中國勞動人力的成本上漲,正逐漸改變傳統製造業生產模式。許多國際大廠紛紛投入機器人或無人工廠的研發及建置。面對這股自動化的趨勢,彭森榮總經理認為,未來精密主軸產業勢必會朝向智能化主軸領域發展。普森精密主軸工業早在2000年起就領先同業,建置全臺灣第一座智慧化主軸檢測中心,並相繼與逢甲大學、勤益科技大學等知名大學合作成立主軸模擬實驗室。針對精密智能化主軸的設計及檢測進行相關的驗證與研究開發,以期提升精密主軸的高階應用技術,讓臺灣工具機產業在全球自動化產業發展趨勢中站穩一席之地。 (製造技術 + 服務導向) X售後服務 = 「製造業服務化」話鋒一轉,彭總談到製造業服務化的推動,必須從「精緻服務」的訴求出發,持續加強售後服務。普森公司近期開發的「遠距離主軸異常檢測技術」,能以最新檢測技術進行高速主軸自動化異音監測,建構出高速主軸的異音、壽命及缺陷檢測分析模型。客戶端只要錄下異常運轉聲,普森公司即可初步分析主軸發生異常的原因,以便進行後續維修。不但大幅縮短維修時間,更降低誤判狀況而衍生的維修成本。普森公司因此成為唯一擁有遠端偵測技術的主軸業界廠商。這些從接單、設計、生產等等,一直延伸到售後服務的整體解決方案,正是普森精密主軸工業落實「製造業服務化」理念的具體展現。 普森2024年二大發展重點第一、 氣靜壓主軸(Aerostatic Spindle):開發中的氣靜壓主軸將高壓的氣體送入主軸與軸承的微小間隙內,使主軸懸浮於軸承中央以幾乎無摩擦狀態下運轉,可達到100,000RPM以上的高速、高精度運轉。可運用於脆硬材料切割與研磨、微孔精密加工、HRC60以上硬材之難削材銑削。其運用領域包含:●晶圓加工主軸:研磨、切割、鑽孔、無油氣的高速氣靜壓主軸●超精密加檢測設備、晶圓、陶瓷、藍寶石等脆硬材料切割與研磨●PCB鑽孔機、薄壁加工、微孔加工機等微孔精密加工●光學滾筒、超精密車床與銑床、PCB成型機、難削材銑削(HRC60以上硬材)超精密切削●真空泵、高速透平機、牙科、手機…等高速精密的轉子系統 第二、 智能化高速內藏式主軸:高效率智慧主軸PGM系列產品秉持環保、綠能設計理念,採用循環式油氣潤滑供應路徑,透過持續供給與回收,除延長軸承使用壽命,並可降低油氣洩漏風險,防止油氣散逸對人體及環境的傷害,加上採用永磁馬達之高剛性、高效率特性,有效提高30%生產力,減少碳排放55%,從產品研發到終端使用皆善盡環境保護責任。而普森的「智能化主軸設計概念」,以內建的各種感應裝置,針對可能影響主軸加工精度的主軸溫升或震動等因素,達到及時的監控並掌握。而透過物聯網科技,智能化的主軸可以將主軸效能相關資訊反饋給普森公司。我們可隨時知道主軸的使用狀況,主軸本身也能夠協助執行自我診斷,並擷取服務資訊。讓主軸產品在其使用壽命期間維持在最佳的使用狀況,提供給顧客最高的附加價值,並可供應半導體產業製程用的創造出具差異化的高階製造。而此「高效率智慧主軸PGM系列」也榮獲2023台灣精品獎的肯定,普森不僅是台灣主軸業界唯一獲獎的公司,PGM智慧主軸更已經是普森公司第二度獲獎的產品! 彭森榮總經理最後補充,為提升臺灣產業競爭力,政府已將智慧機械列為首要推動目標,這需要工具機中心廠投入更多資源進行研發,零組件廠的角色也因此更加顯得重要。而普森公司以開拓高端市場為目標,積極拓展國際市場與知名度,並伴隨著臺灣工具機產業發展的軌跡不斷成長茁壯。 企業名稱:普森精密主軸工業有限公司業務聯絡人:忻育葳聯絡電話:+886-4-22135988聯絡郵件:posa.posa@msa.hinet.net企業傳真:+886-4-22135996企業網站
POSA / 07. 23. 2024
Did you know?Under the same number of door operations, linear motor automatic doors can save 55.6% more energy compared to pneumatic cylinder automatic doors!​In addition to significantly saving energy and electricity costs and reducing carbon emissions, linear motor automatic doors stop immediately when the track has accumulated chips, or workpieces have fallen, causing the motor current to overload and trigger the protection mechanism, reducing personnel injury and maintenance frequency.​Linear motor automatic doors can enhance the efficiency of automated production lines. They seamlessly continue the operation after closing, reducing downtime of the production line. Additionally, during a shutdown, pneumatic cylinder automatic doors need to release pressure before opening, whereas linear motor automatic doors can be easily opened. In factories where time is money, reducing waiting time is crucial.Watch how it works here
YIDA PRECISION / 07. 18. 2024
Introduction In today's rapidly evolving manufacturing industry, vertical machining centers play an indispensable role. These efficient machines not only accelerate production processes but also enhance machining quality, becoming the cornerstone of various industries such as automotive, aerospace, and electronics manufacturing. As market demands continue to evolve, the technology of these machining centers advances to meet more precise machining requirements and higher production efficiencies. This article aims to explore how to choose a vertical machining center that meets future market demands, analyzing market trends and technological development directions. Market Trend Analysis Changes in market demand are crucial factors influencing the choice of vertical machining centers. As consumer expectations for product quality and production efficiency rise, manufacturers must assess which models can most effectively meet these needs. Modern market trends indicate a continuous rise in demand for high-performance and multifunctional vertical machining centers. These machines can quickly adjust and maintain high production efficiency, making them particularly suitable for small-batch, diversified production models. Technological innovation is also a key driver of changes in market demand. For example, advancements in CNC technology have improved machining precision while simplifying the operation process, making vertical machining centers more user-friendly. Additionally, integrating advanced measurement techniques and real-time monitoring systems allows the machine to automatically adjust parameters during the machining process, further enhancing product quality and efficiency.   Campro Machinery Product Line Since 2016, Campro Machinery has actively invested in the field of intelligent machinery, starting with factory visualization management and gradually expanding to provide comprehensive smart factory solutions. We have become pioneers in the digital era by integrating advanced technologies, machine networking, and intelligent machinery, enabling machines to automatically adjust parameters during the machining process, thereby enhancing product quality and production efficiency. Campro Machinery is a professional CNC machine tool manufacturer, producing a variety of machining centers and lathes. Our vertical machining centers are divided into four categories, each with different models: ·        CPV-B Series #40 Box Ways Vertical Machining Center: This comprehensive machining center pursues stability and versatility. It enhances the efficiency of machines in the factory, featuring a three-axis box ways design for superior stability. The entire structure is made of high-grade cast iron and undergoes heat treatment to eliminate internal stress, ensuring optimal rigidity and precision durability. The series offers X-axis travel ranges from 850 mm to 1600 mm for customer selection. ·        CPV-B Series #50 Heavy Duty (Box Ways) Vertical Machining Center: In addition to stability and versatility, the #50 spindle is more suitable for heavy cutting. The series offers X-axis travel ranges from 1100 mm to 2200 mm for selection. ·        CNV Series High Efficiency Vertical Machining Center: Focused on economy and efficiency, this is the best choice for a wide range of small to medium-sized parts manufacturers and users pursuing high efficiency. The series offers X-axis travel ranges from 550 mm to 1300 mm for selection. ·        NV Series High Performance Vertical Machining Center: Compared to other linear guideway vertical machining centers of the same size on the market, the NV series offers a larger Y-axis travelling range. Its unique loop design and spindle thermal symmetry design effectively reduce thermal deformation, improving accuracy and stability. Meeting the demands of many metalworking users, this machine combines high mobility, high rigidity, and high stability. It can also add a 5-axis table to the standard worktable configuration, increasing the feasibility of different machining operations. Our complete product line meets various functional needs, providing customers with a diverse range of options, from high precision to high efficiency, from basic to advanced models, fully covering all application requirements.   Considerations for Choosing a Vertical Machining Center When selecting a vertical machining center, it is important to consider various factors to ensure that the chosen equipment meets current and future production needs. Machining Requirements and Application Scenarios Different industries and products have varying requirements for machining precision, speed, and flexibility. Companies should evaluate the machine’s performance and suitability based on their specific machining needs. For instance, precision machining requires equipment with high accuracy and stability, while mass production demands efficient and reliable machines. Technical Parameters and Performance Technical parameters are one of the core considerations when choosing a vertical machining center. These include spindle speed, travel range, rigidity, stability, and control systems. These parameters directly affect the machine’s machining capabilities and applicability. Intelligent and Automated Functions The demand for intelligence and automation in modern manufacturing is increasing. Machines equipped with AI integration, automation technologies, and real-time monitoring can improve production efficiency, reduce labor costs, and ensure product quality. Brand Reputation and After-Sales Service Choosing a brand with a good reputation ensures the quality and performance of the machine. Additionally, comprehensive after-sales service provides timely technical support and maintenance, ensuring the normal operation and longevity of the machine. Cost-Effectiveness Analysis Companies should conduct a cost-effectiveness analysis based on their budget. It is essential to choose a vertical machining center that offers the best value for money while meeting machining needs and technical requirements to achieve optimal investment returns. Future Technological Developments In terms of technological advancements in vertical machining centers, the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) is significantly enhancing the accuracy of machining decisions and optimizing production processes. AI can automatically adjust machine settings to accommodate changing machining demands, thereby increasing production efficiency and reducing human intervention. Additionally, automation technology enables vertical machining centers to perform unattended production, which not only lowers labor costs but also improves the stability of production quality. These technologies enable machines to flexibly handle small-batch and diversified production needs, aligning with modern manufacturing's dual requirements for high efficiency and flexibility.   Conclusion When choosing a vertical machining center, it is crucial to consider how the machine can adapt to rapidly changing market demands and technological trends. Case studies have shown that selecting a vertical machining center equipped with advanced technology and flexibility is a wise investment for businesses. This not only ensures product quality and production efficiency but also prepares companies for future market challenges. Based on the analysis presented in this article, future vertical machining centers will need to integrate AI and automation technologies more extensively to enhance operational efficiency and precision. Moreover, to meet diverse production needs, the design of these machines should focus more on modularity and scalability. In summary, when selecting a vertical machining center, it is important to consider not only its current technical specifications and performance but also its future adaptability and development potential. Such forward-thinking will enable businesses to maintain a competitive edge in future market competition and achieve sustained business success.   Summary Choosing a suitable vertical machining center requires considering multiple factors, including machining needs and application scenarios, technical parameters and performance, intelligent and automated functions, brand reputation and after-sales service, and cost-benefit analysis. Businesses should comprehensively evaluate these factors based on their needs and market trends to ensure that the selected equipment can perform optimally in both current and future production environments. By selecting a vertical machining center with advanced technology and flexibility, companies can enhance production efficiency and product quality while also adapting to future market challenges and changes. Campro Machinery is dedicated to providing comprehensive, advanced machining solutions that help customers maintain a leading position in a competitive market and achieve long-term business success.
CAMPRO / 07. 10. 2024
In the mold industry, traditional milling machines such as turret milling machines and gantry milling machines play a crucial role in ensuring high precision, efficiency, and flexibility in mold manufacturing. Despite the advancements in CNC technology, these traditional machines remain indispensable for various reasons.1. Precision and VersatilityTraditional milling machines are known for their ability to perform a wide range of operations with high precision. Turret milling machines, for example, offer versatile functionalities such as drilling, cutting, and slotting, which are essential for producing complex mold components. Gantry milling machines, with their large worktable and high rigidity, excel in machining large and heavy molds with intricate details.2. Robustness and StabilityThe robust construction of traditional milling machines ensures stable and accurate machining. Gantry milling machines, in particular, provide exceptional stability due to their strong and rigid structure, making them ideal for heavy-duty operations. This stability reduces vibrations and enhances the precision of the final mold, ensuring a high-quality end product.3. Cost-EffectivenessTraditional milling machines often have lower initial costs compared to advanced CNC machines. This makes them an attractive option for small to medium-sized mold manufacturers. Additionally, the maintenance and operational costs of traditional milling machines are generally lower, contributing to overall cost savings for the company.4. Adaptability to Various MaterialsTraditional milling machines can handle a variety of materials, from metals like steel and aluminum to plastics and composites. This adaptability is crucial in the mold industry, where different projects may require the use of different materials. The ability to switch between materials without significant reconfiguration makes these machines highly versatile.5. Skilled Workforce UtilizationMany skilled machinists are well-versed in operating traditional milling machines. Leveraging their expertise can enhance productivity and ensure high-quality outcomes. This existing knowledge base reduces the need for extensive retraining and allows for a smoother workflow within the manufacturing process.6. Customization and FlexibilityTurret and gantry milling machines allow for a high degree of customization. Machinists can manually adjust settings to accommodate specific project requirements, offering flexibility that is sometimes limited in fully automated systems. This customization capability is particularly valuable for producing unique or specialized molds.7. Enhancing Production EfficiencyWhile traditional, these milling machines can be integrated into modern production systems to enhance efficiency. For instance, combining manual adjustments with digital readouts and automated controls can improve precision and reduce setup times. This hybrid approach can maximize the strengths of traditional milling while incorporating modern efficiencies.8. Reducing Energy ConsumptionTraditional milling machines, when properly maintained, can operate efficiently with moderate energy consumption. Implementing energy-efficient practices, such as regular maintenance and optimized machining processes, can further reduce energy usage. This focus on energy efficiency not only lowers operational costs but also aligns with sustainable manufacturing practices.ConclusionTraditional milling machines, including turret milling machines and gantry milling machines, continue to hold significant importance in the mold industry. Their precision, versatility, robustness, cost-effectiveness, and adaptability make them indispensable tools for mold manufacturers. Yih Kuan can assist milling machine users with upgrades and spindle head replacement services. Through performance matching and custom integration, manufacturers can achieve a balance of production efficiency, quality, and sustainability at a lower cost.
YIH KUAN / 07. 03. 2024
VR showroom
CNC Lathes, CNC Turning and Milling Center, Vertical Machining Centers, Horizontal Machining Centers, Machining Centers(Bridge Type), Machining Centers (Horizontal, Five-Axis), Other Machining Centers
Double Column Grinding Machine, Production CNC Grinder, Vertical Grinding Center, Linear Motor Drive Grinder, Nano Precision Hydrostatic CNC Grinder, Surface and Profile CNC Grinder, CNC Slicing Grinder, Fully Auto Surface Grinder, Semi-automatic Grinder,
Vertical Machining Center, CNC Lathe, Horizontal Machining Center, Double Column Machining Center, CNC Turning & Milling Center, CNC Vertical Lathes, Machining Centers(Vertical, Five-Axis), Automatic Storage System and related Equipment, Other Auxiliaries
High Speed Precision Spindles, High Frequency Motor Spindles, Specialized Machinery Spindles, CNC Machine Center Spindles, CNC Turning Center Spindles, CNC Grinding Center Spindles, Air Bearing Frequency Spindles, Hydrodynamic Spindles, End Mills, Drills
CNC Vertical Turning Lathe, CNC Vertical Machining Center, CNC Horizontal Turning Lathe, CNC Horizontal Machining Center, NC Special Purpose Machine, Automatic Production Line, CNC Gantry Type Machining Center, CNC Double Column 5-Face Machining Center,
High Efficiency Traveling Column Precision Profile Grinder_FMG-B1224AWC Automatic diamond roller change module Automatic wheel change module
The YCM UV650 5-axis vertical machining center provides excellent cutting performance and high accuracy for simultaneous 5-axis application with just one setup. Designed to reduce part handling, setup and overall lead-time, while improving part quality, precision and surface finish of complex shapes and contours required for multiple industries such as job shop, medical, aerospace, and die & mold. For more information on YCM's products and solutions, please visit: Website: Facebook: Twitter: LinkedIn: Instagram:
The wind turbines have grown in size in both height and blade lengths and generate more energy. The casting workpiece processing is a challenge for the maker to handle the production. Honor PL-600CM Intelligent Vertical Turning Center is the high-rigid vertical lathe based on the gantry-type with a Y-axis mechanism, and collects multi-functions that can cover the processing requirements by the vertical lathe, the gantry-type machine, and even the horizontal machining center at the same time to achieve done in 1 requirement. ● Champion of Taiwan - 6-meter table turning center - Extremely outstanding wind power solution - Digital-twin technology applied More efficient, better quality, this is HONOR SEIKI delivers our solutions.
Tool Magazine Meries by POJU GROUP Synonymous With Professional Tool Magazine
Tongtai has completed hardware , software and service to support our customers to plan from single machine to the production lines , also integrate cross-brands devices. In the other hand, we will use digital-twin to assist the production line planning to decrease the risk of design change. It could also simulate the machining before real processing to optimize the production efficiency.
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