intelligent-chip-conveyor:Nowadays, factories worldwide are talking about smart and unmanned, and chip conveyors also need smart and the capability to self-troubleshoot to meet the needs of unmanned smart factories.▍In order to avoid shutdown altogether, we have the several following functions:1. Smart Error Detection2. Self-resolution Restoration3. Avoid Manual Operator Shutdown4. Safety Protection5. Preventive Maintenance▍ApplicableThe unmanned smart factory requires smart detection and self-resolution restoration.▍Features✔Smart Error Detection:-Detection of cutting fluid level, filter blockage and thin chips deposition, so that cutting fluid does not overflow.-PH value detection to maintain the performance of cutting fluid lubrication, cooling, rust prevention and cleaning.-Loose screws, loose chains, and power supply phase failure detection to prevent sudden shutdowns.✔Self-resolution Restoration:-Self-elimination of stuck chips, dynamic water replenishment of the water tank for the lights-off factory to operate smoothly.✔Avoid Manual Operator Shutdown:-Slow down with fewer chips, accelerate with more chips, stop with no chips, and avoid disputes with the USER warranty.-The machining motor stops operation with no chips, minimizing the energy.✔Safety Protection:-Chip Conveyer position monitoring, in compliance with ISO16090-1 directive, to ensure operator safety.✔Preventive Maintenance:-Bearing lubrication and active warning of chain metal tension adjustment ensures smooth long-term operation.✔Cloud and Local Records:-Can be used both with Cloud and Local, the information is never missed, and accurate statistical analysis data.✔Power On/Off Self Check:-Self-check when power on to ensure safe starting; list when power off, with real-time daily report.
09. 08. 2022
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