BORE AUTOMATION TECH. CO., LTD was founded in 2004, is the professional leading manufacturer and provider of advanced industrial control modules in Taiwan. For over 15 years, we are now the largest manufacturer of I/O relay module, interface module, cable assembly in Taiwan. We are specialized in the design, develop, manufacture, and distribute of innovative industrial automation solutions for a wide range of industries. Since 2005 we have distributed products internationally to 40 countries on an OEM & ODM basis and under the group’s own brands. Bore's board product offering can be found in applications for the industrial automation, factory automation, machine tool, semiconductor equipment, automatic control and inspection, residential building and system integrator in the world. Bore's I/O relay and interface modules are designed to be compatible with various of PLC and CNC controllers in market. We offer reliable solutions to maximize the efficiency and performance of your machine or factory. Our products are highly acknowledged among our esteemed clients for their apprehensive features such as low power functionality and low maintenance. Our relay modules can be availed in various customized specifications. To ensure our products to meet the highest quality standards requires world class testing capability. Our factory has been officially approved as a TUV qualified Taiwantrade Supplier verification. All our products are certified RoHS, FCC, and CE compliant.
09. 22. 2022
為協助國內工業控制器配線領域升級,省配線中繼模組的領導品牌柏叡自動化科技公司,專業研發PLC/CNC數控器中繼模組,推出Push-In端子系列省配線模組搭配各大控制器品牌做中繼連接,依照客戶需求設計出高CP值產品,達到強化零件使用壽命、縮小配電盤體積,增加設備空間靈活應用度、提高施工效率,並降低人力及時間成本,迅速升級工業4.0,改變省配線領域的使用習慣,全方位實力穩居業界第一。 許多設備業者在朝工業4.0發展時,於設備的電子化配電方面沒有太多著墨,抱持「可通電就好」的心態,沒有經過設計的電線,長久以來存在著配線複雜、過程繁瑣的問題,陷入各項成本增加而不自知的窘境。柏叡總經理陳星合表示:「設備業者及使用客戶對設備配電觀念數十年來沒有進化、導致成本沒有下降、效力沒有提升,企業自然不會成長。」有鑑於此,該公司自十多年前著手參與替設備業者進行配線設計,近六年推出Push-In端子系列省配線模組,結合應用並聚焦多項關鍵技術,將設備內線材以直插式端子連接控制器及設備,讓設備廠在使用各大品牌控制器時,能迅速完成訊號連轉接,此種方式不僅安全性高、泛用性廣、接線牢固外,更可以減少超過50%時間、人力、空間、線材…等成本,替各大工具機、半導體設備、橡膠油壓機、射出機、沖床設備、機械手臂設備、食品包裝機…等業者,在電路需求越趨重要的浪潮下成功轉型! 柏叡研發中繼模組至今,持續不斷替客戶做最優質完善的配電設計,更導入「控制盤電路板化」概念,推出多功能、可快速應用且高靈活支援度的自動化控制配件,完善的產品種類,論產品齊全度堪稱同業之冠,客戶可一次購足所需的中繼控制配件,一條龍服務,「創新、進步、改變」贏得好口碑,目前更已有替東台精機、上銀科技、永進機械、大立機器、金豐機器…等數十家大廠設備轉型的超群經驗,未來期望該公司以淬鍊拔尖的高穩定性及靈活應用,替客戶創造更高的競爭力,共創雙贏局面!
08. 11. 2022
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