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About HOSEA The high-precision CNC 5-Axis indexing table of HOSEA meets the most stringent standards in the European market. The products are widely used and favored in Europe, and are well-known by global machine tool manufacturers. The first indexing table supplier in Taiwan to obtain AS9100 aerospace-quality certification. 300+ CNC rotary table sets exported per year. The largest CNC 5-Axis rotary table supplier in Taiwan. Famous Germany’s machining company has designated HOSEA is one of its primary 5-Axis CNC machine ODM companies. This cooperation has lasted for more than 10 years. More than 52 years of experiences in CNC development & manufacturing. Multiple Transmission Mechanism Solution. AIoT CNC Cloud Intelligent Service. During machining operations, if any divergence occurs between worm gear and worm gear teeth, a sensor will send a signal to the cloud service indicating the problem. Both the client and the manufacturer will receive notification, allowing for immediate inspection and repair. Customized Product Design For machining conditions involving high load, high rigidity, and high speed, or requiring high precision, fine tolerances or hydrostatic rotary tables, HOSEA provides customized products for complete solutions. Machining Center Series Universal Machining Center WFCH-650D Vertical Machining Center WMH-320 Horizontal Machining Center APC-C400 Rotary Table Grinder Machine HPH-1000D Gantry Type Machines WMH-1500 Boring Machines WMH-800S
HIWIN is the global leader for motion control and system technology. HIWIN’s headquarters is located in Taichung, Taiwan. HIWIN is the No.2 global manufacturer for ballscrews and linear guideways. HIWIN offers precision module products- Datorker Robot Gear Reducers, Torque Motor Rotary Tables, industrial robots and medical robots. HIWIN has 14 subsidiaries and more than 200 distributors globally, serving our customers in the 5G, semiconductor, medical, machine tool, automation, Electrical vehicles, and precision equipment industries. Through assisting our customers with various automation processes, HIWIN understood that it was painful for a factory to have unexpected shutdowns. To avoid unexpected shutdowns, a manufacturer needs to maintain many spare parts in the warehouse, requiring a lot of labor and time for maintenance and inspection. These were painful points that manufacturers really wanted to resolve. Therefore, we studied customer’s concerns and demands regarding machine characteristics, user operation methods, industrial know how, environment requirements, user’s experience, and specific material selection. HIWIN is the first in the world to introduce the intelligent ballscrew: i4.0 BS. The ballscrew is the key critical component of a machining tool, and the i4.0 BS is targeted for high-end machine tool applications. It helps machine tool customers and end users obtain predictive diagnoses and maintain high productivity through intelligent manufacturing. By installing HIWN i4.0 BS, customer’s machines can self-monitor their status and send important data to engineers or managers for efficient diagnosis and scheduling of maintenance, thus improving manufacturing quality and productivity. HIWIN i4.0BS is the first intelligent ballscrew in the world with a sensor for predictive maintenance. The Hiwin intelligent ballscrew has 5 major functions which solve customer’s problems. 1. Life prediction.Detects ballscrew’s physical condition, preventing unexpected shutdown. 2. Smart lubrication.Detects ballscrew’s operating condition to optimize lubrication frequency and quantity, reducing oil consumption by 40% to 70%. 3. Vibration diagnosis.Allows traceability of the machine’s dynamic performance. 4. Thermal diagnosis.Detects thermal stability of the machine. 5. Remote monitoring.HIWIN intelligent ballscrews send information to the cloud. Users can access information and monitor machine status from a remote location through their mobile devices. By monitoring the ballscrews’ operating condition, customers can plan predictive maintenance scheduling, maintain high productivity, and achieve intelligent and smart manufacturing. HIWIN i4.0 BS is the best partner for industry 4.0.
今天要和大家分享一個好消息! 經過將近一年的努力及與學界和業界先驅多方的合作,由奕達精機主導的「全數位化智能車銑複合加工中心開發計畫」,獲得了經濟部工業局產業升級創新平台輔導計畫的補助,而專案啟動會議也在今天召開! 為期兩年的計畫,將以創造一個敏捷管理系統為目標,數位化產品設計、PLM數位化管理及建立企業知識庫。由售前的產品開發流程、售後的智能售服系統及AR遠程協作平台至與使用者息息相關的機台及刀具狀態監測,都將進行數位化整合及提升。 奕達特別感謝參與此項計畫的虎科大、台大、中華電信、精智動、寶嘉誠工業與吉良科技。如同蒲博在會中所道,「分享是學習最快的方式,也是Y Team的核心價值」。就讓我們一起期待Y Team攜手創造出來的火花!
奕達出現在三月《智動化》的封面故事中,智慧機械雲商轉已經成為趨勢,受訪的蒲博談到,我們積極透過數位轉型,「提升關鍵模組自製率和 IoT 化;藉共通模組強化客製需求應用,實現智能化感知及生產力4.0 應用;加上工具機智能軟體加值服務,創造更高效率,以及差異價值化的機制。」
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